McMMO Brings many RPG-like experiences by adding skill leveling, special abilities, and unique mechanics to Minecraft gameplay. We feel it compliments survival very well!
McMMO Commands
/mctop [skill] [page] - Displays top McMMO users. Optionally, specify named skill and page number.
/[skillname] ? - Displays information for named skill.
/mcability - Toggles whether or not you can activate abilities with right-click.
/stats - Displays your current skill levels, including the current EXP and the total needed to level up, topped off with your overall Power level.
/notify - Removes ability notification in chat.
Party commands
/party ? - Tells you the list of commands with /party
/party - Tells you the party that you are currently in.
/party create [Name] [Password] - Creates a party.
/party disband - The party is destroyed.
/party q - Makes you leave the party.
/partychat or /pc or /p [msg] - You go into a chat to where everyone in the party sees what you type. To get out of party chat, you type the command again or type /ch g
/party [unlock/lock] - Makes it where either anyone can join the party (unlock) or invite only (lock).
/party join [Player's Name] - If the party is unlocked you join the party that player is in.
/party password [New Password] - Changes the password of the party.
/party leader [Player's Name] - Changes the Party leader of the group (you must be the Party leader to access this command).
/party kick [Player's Name] - Kicks a player out of the party.
/party invite [Player's Name] - Player must be online to accept.
/party itemshare [none/equal/random] - Makes the item share among the party members set to one of the parameters above.
/party itemshare [loot/mining/herbalism/woodcutting/misc] [true/false] - Sets what kind of item is shared between party members.
/party xpshare [none/equal] - Sets the xp-sharing of McMMO levels to either equal or no sharing.
/ptp [player] - Requests a teleport to another party member. Accept with /ptp accept.
Party members must be within 75 blocks to enjoy benefits like XP & Item Sharing.
Party alliance
/party alliance - To check the current alliance status.
/party alliance invite [player] - Invites a party leader to join an alliance.
/party alliance [accept/disband] - To accept an alliance invite or to disband an alliance.
McMMO has an extensive party system feature. It allows multiple players to team up and play the game together! Party members have several features they can use to improve cooperative gameplay.
Item Sharing: With this enabled, any items mined or gathered will be distributed equally among party members in a 50 block radius. For example, if you are mining with one other party member and you find six diamonds, you will both receive three.
XP Sharing: With this enabled, any XP received for McMMO tasks is split between party members in a 50 block radius. You'll also receive an XP bonus depending on how many party members are within the 50 block radius. Using this feature, it's possible to quickly get XP and level up your skills. For example, if you receive 50 XP while you're near 4 other party members you'll all receive 14 XP.
Party Status: To determine the status of your party, type /party. You will see the name of the party, a list of party members, how many are considered nearby for purposes of item and XP sharing, and the names of people in your party. Those who are online and within 50 blocks of you will appear orange, those who are online but not near you they will appear white, and those who are offline will appear grey.
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