A list of frequently asked questions relating to our survival server.
What type of server is mcGalaxy?
We are a semi-vanilla survival based server with a focus on bonus features. This means our core is traditional Minecraft gameplay. We have spent years adding & enhancing many features including quality of life additions such as home locations, warps, interaction animations, weather voting, sleeping speed based on online players, graves & /back, and kits. We've also introduced brand new functionalities like in our casino, player & admin shops, cosmetics, pets, projections, apocalypse mode, marriage system, and so much more!
How do I protect my stuff?
There is no griefing, stealing, looting, raiding, or scamming allowed in our community. As such, we have introduced a very simple chest locking mechanic. Simply place a sign on the chest you wish to lock - that's it!
To add other player to your protection, simply add their username to your sign!
Is there land claiming?
On mcGalaxy, we've taken a strong stance against land claiming systems. This is due to their restrictive nature, which directly goes against everything Minecraft was created to be! Instead, we allow players to corrdinate with others in order to astablish boundries when needed. Otherwise; the sky's the limit for any creations you wish to construct! (Literally, lol.)
Is PvP allowed?
Generally speaking, mcGalaxy was not designed to be a PvP server, however with the integration of our custom items & abilities, many have requested the ability to battle over the years. In the near future, we plan to introduce a controlled way to battle friends using our amazing custom items known as "Duels!" Keep an eye out on our official announcement locations for more info!
Why can I fly sometimes, but not others?
Currently, only certain store ranks will have the /fly command unlocked. This being said, there are other methods by which you may obtain flight! Flight Tokens allow players to claim temporarily flight ability for a defined amount of time based on the tier of flight token used. These tokens can often time be won from various rewards including the casino, voting, drop parties, and more!
Each Friday, we host a "Free Fly Friday" event which automatically enables flight for all players who login during the 24 hour period of Friday each week. (Based on EST timezone)
At times, the automatic enabling of Free fly Friday will fail. If you notice flight is not enabled & it's Friday, please let us know!
What is Stardust?
Stardust is our premium currency! Many vendors around constellation city will gladly accept it due to it's seemingly magical ability. When consumed in the form of nuggets, this substance grants the user a brief moment of energy & healing properties. In it's full crystalized form, stardust is a natural energy source, leaving many to witness strange happenings, and even "miracles" surrounding the substance.
Didn't find a solution?
We apologize our knowledge base was not able to help, however We are more then happy to lend a hand! Please feel free to contact us anytime using the methods listed below!
Open a Ticket - Join us on Discord!
Send us an Email - contact@mcGalaxy.co
Last updated
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